Friday..2 days before BIG GAME


Two day to go before our foxboro favorites go for history. If you are like me, and can't get to the game, I encourage everyone to come down to our store, pick out a new flat screen Lcd or Plasma tv and watch in the comfort of your own home luxury box. The pricing is crazy low here. The tv deals have never been better, the financing has never been better. If you are confused on whatto buy, please call us. We are here to help you. We want to help you.

a Few thankyous:

1. To all our great customers who have been buying products online and in our store, thankyou

2. To all our great customers who have been reading the blog and emailing us on our
promotions, web improvements, our customer service etc, Thankyou for your feedback.

3. To all the magazines, newspapers, tv & radio stations etc covering our
superbowl/big game promotion that we ran in september, Thankyou .

4. To all the Giants fans who have been emailing telling me that Percy's has nothing to worry about in regards to paying out this promotion...because the Giants will win....................................No thankyou (ha ha ha)

I had to put that one in. I have tons of friends and business associates and family who live in New york. The fans are very passionate. I respect that. Many new york fans have been buying products online here so I do thank them for that.

Now for my prediction:

Pats 35 Giants 17 and Percy's will gladly pay out lots of money to the winners of our Big game promotion this past September. So if you bought a tv or audio system during the Pats promotion and you elected to take a chance, save your could be FREE.

Thankyou for your business

Alan Read More!

4 days left before the BIG GAME

Its Wednesday. The big game in Arizona is getting close. The hype is out of control. I think I watched 4 hours of Pats specials last night. I loved it because most of it was in High Definition.

So, there is 4 days left to get that new HDTV for the Big Game in Arizona. If you still can't decide, please come down to our store or call us. We have all our tv's on sale, and we have long term interest free financing for 2 years. We want to make sure your tv experience Sunday is first class. We are here to help you.

Yesterday, channel 4 in boston was here doing a story on Percy's and how independent family owned stores are competing in this economy against the big chains. All we see on tv, in the paper , and on radio is how bad things are, how they are going to get worse, the fed is lowering rates, the dollar is down etc etc, and he wanted to know how we (Percy's) do it. The reporter can't believe a small family owned store in Worcester competes year after year against the big chains nationally. How do we compete on price and service. I told him its very simple:

1. treat your customers as you would want to be treated
a. we are blessed with the best customers in the world
b. Our prices are right where the chains are

2. treat your employees as you would want to be treated
a. our Percy's team thinks of customer service and the customer first
b. Percy's is fortunate to have the staff we do. Every single person at Percy's works extremely hard to make each customers experience here a positive one.

3. Thank your customers every day. Thank your employees every day
a. Thank you. Two simple words

4. Be positive, be friendly, and be a good person to those around you

Thats how we do it. Great customers, honest employees. Every day we try and make a friend and keep a friend.

Thankyou for your business, We appreciate the chance to service you.

Alan Read More!

6 Days left before the BIG GAME

I am beginning to think that Super Bowl Sunday should be a national holiday. When I think of holidays, I think of family time with the kids, friends, neighbors, AND watching sports on tv.

Super Bowl Sunday is like no other Sunday or holiday that I can think of. Around New England , all the talk is about the team. There is definitely not a bigger sports event that is watched. Even the casual or non football fan turns the game on a little bit, if to do nothing else than watch the commercials.

But I was thinking, name another sporting event or television event during the year that people center their lives around. Going to a dinner party that day with people you really don't like, or like, cancel it or make sure its over at 6pm. Have a dance recital or child's event that day, make sure the event is before kickoff. Move up the recital time. I mean, people plan super bowl parties weeks in advance, even if your favorite team is not playing. Many restaurants close that night!! Parents, grand parents, and kids all gather around the tv to watch a game. Its mind boggling.
This is a special year. The home team has a chance to make history and the great fans of New England can't get enough.....myself included!!

For Percy's, because of the patriots , its a holiday. Its right up there with the December holiday shopping season. The excitement in this store is at a all time high. All our great customers who bought high definition tv's will be enjoying them super bowl Sunday. All their friends will be watching great tv's with a picture that is so life like, you will swear you are at the game.

We still have lots of high definition tv's in stock and ready for pickup. Our sale is on thru Sunday at 6pm and our prices are low, low, low. Hope to see you here.

Thank you for your business

Alan Read More!

Only 7 days left before the BIG GAME

Its Sunday, a day of rest?? Not this Sunday. Its too exciting!!! The home team flew out to Arizona this morning and our favorite quarterback was walking in a pair of boot.
How great was that!!!!!!!!!!

Percy's is the place to get your new tv and audio system for the big game next Sunday. If you can not make it to the game in Arizona, let the game come to you.

We have TVs in all sizes. All are in High Definition. Please check out our ad in the Sundays paper. Percy's will not be undersold on all our quality brands. Our sales team is extremely knowledgeable on what tv's work best in all applications. We want your business!! We want you to enjoy the game in High Definition. We want to make you feel like you are at the game.

We have the quality brands in stock at rock bottom prices. Again, Percy's will not be undersold . We have the plasmas, the lcd's, and the dlp's to make any dream a reality.

Thankyou for your business

Alan Read More!