Win Free TV's from Percy's

Percy's and The Pike 100 FM are joining together to get a new TV in your home! It's simple, go to this link, signup and say who you think will win the upcoming Patriots game, put what you think the score will be, and on Monday morning Alan Lavine of Percy's will be at The Pike 100 FM to see if there is a winner. You HAVE to have the winning team selected and the exact score also (example: Patriots win 50 - 0)

Percy's will continue to keep doing this as long as the Patriots keep playing (which will be the Superbowl, of course). At the end of the season one lucky prize winner will take the grand prize home, a 42" Plasma TV!

Here is the audio from The Pike 100 FM of the announcement!

Good Luck to all!

Take Care,

-Brian Read More!

Calling All Old & Outdated Kitchens!!!

If you've walked into your kitchen over the past, oh I don't know, hour?...and within that hour pointed out 3 or more things that you would like to change about your kitchen but just don't know what to do? "Where do I start?", you ask..."Who do I talk to?". Percy's wants to help you find the answer.

Your kitchen may have cabinets that won't fit the dishes, some are rotten, while some doors have refused to open without a screwdriver for the past 6 years. Your white countertops are stained with 25 years of use that nothing on the planet will take it up unless it contains a blowtorch or a sledgehammer. Yes, some of our kitchens have character. Some are beyond recognition other than the fact that it has a stove in it, while others just need a simple facelift.

Most people are like our "Virtual Kitchen Owner" above (We'll call her Sue for now). They are confused on what to do first. They think that it all has to be an extremely expensive job and don't know that there are budget ideas out there. And what Sue doesn't know is that her kitchen can be completely re-done for a lot less than she thinks. She just needs to talk to the RIGHT person.

At Percy's we held a Meet the Designer Night here around Springtime and we had many come out, like yourself, looking for answers. Who? What? How? and How Much? were the top questions. Percy's will take care of the "Who?" question. We have almost 25 different designers in Central Mass coming out to Percy's to meet you and answer the remaining 3 questions. You may find that you still have to wait a little longer for your dream kitchen, but most will learn that a dream kitchen is right around the corner. Either way, you'll know whether or not to go home and put the first ceremonial 'swing-of-the-hammer' in that cabinet door where the screwdriver went or whether you need to get the hammer warmed up for a future swing.

Come to Percy's on October 7th from 6pm to 8pm and meet our designers. These designers have been working with Percy's for many years and we have picked the most knowledgeable and trustworthy to be represented on this night. Click here to register for this event. Upon registration you are entered to win a Bosch dishwasher valued at up to $749. We know you'll meet someone and we hope you walk into the kitchen, say in three months, and you smile.

Take Care,

Read More!