Making It Easier To Purchase Your New Dishwasher (part 3)

In this blog I'm going to quickly touch on the importance of proper drying and how some dishwashers go about doing this. Some dishwashers use more energy efficient methods than others but there are some setbacks.

If you are one of those who opens the dishwasher and lets them just air dry, then you may want to know that most dishwashers are doing a better job at drying the dishes. In looking around the internet on how important it is to dry your dishes using the dishwasher's drying option, I've found that the most prevalent explanation is because it's better for sanitizing. Most of today's models have a heated drying option or other options that involve high heat. This option will sanitize your dishes as they dry. But which dishwasher does it best?

There are 2 types of dishwasher interiors, plastic or stainless steel. Plastic interiors are good for keeping the interior clean (in my opinion), and that's about it. You're probably saying "well mine's plastic and it works just fine!" That's ok. But when you hear why stainless is better, you'll rethink the interior.

Stainless is not just there for a "classy" finishing touch for your dishwasher. It actually serves a very important purpose. Stainless holds heat a lot longer than plastic making drying more efficient. Instead of using a motor to dry, some dishwashers pull clean air into the cavity to help with the drying process, while others simply use condensation to dry the dishes. When the cycle is done, the interior is so hot that the water naturally attracts itself to the stainless cavity and down to the drain. The only setback to this method is it takes more time to dry, but the end result is worth it. You may never get your plastic ware to dry fully, but everything else should be spotless! Stainless interiors are mostly cleaner over the traditional plastic interiors also. Not only are they better at drying your dishes, but they're also better at dampening the noise making them the quietest dishwashers around. But don't worry, stainless dishwashers are not that much more expensive than plastic interior dishwashers.

If you don't have a stainless interior model, come to Percy's and let our salespeople give you a test drive of a stainless model. We have many live kitchens ready to show you how our appliances work. Click here to contact us and we'll schedule an appointment for you! Let us show you what's new and waiting to help you save money in energy, time, and effort! And it doesn't just start with dishwashers!

Take care,


CELTICS: the Road to FREE TVs

Game by Game ticker info for those who participated in Percy's Celtics Promo

Game 3 synopsis: This competition is looking to be the closest in history. Each game averaging around 6 or 7 points difference is making for a very close run to the championship. Unfortunately, the Celtics went in to game 3 in L.A. up 2-0 but left the game up 2-1. The Lakers won last night 87-81. Another close one. Many blamed the officials, many blamed Paul Pierce for only shooting 2 for 14 from the floor, but let's face it, we're still up and it's not over yet! Those who participated in the promo, we have only 2 games left until your merchandise is FREE! Look for another update soon.

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