Percy's Poll

This blog is out here for one purpose and one purpose only. And that's to get information to you, the consumer, that will save you money, help you save energy, and give you updates on products and services. I'm not here to talk to you about the latest fashions, or talk about which college is right for you, or tell you what fruit has the most fiber...I'm here to help you. I may veer off and tell you about my personal experiences, but my main focus it to help you.

Percy's has been in business for A LONG TIME. I'm here to tell you, in a rough economy, for Percy's to still thrive and make customers happy is an amazing feat. I think that the mere fact that we offer the BEST in customer service, the BEST deals, and the BEST salesteam is the reason why we've survived, and will continue to survive. We want to thank all of you for believing that we can deliver on our promise. For all of you who haven't shopped us, please give us a call or come down to 19 Glennie St. in Worcester and see why we're set apart from all the other big retail chains.

Ok. Enough mushy stuff. I want to know what you guys think. I've added some neat "Widgets" on the left side over here:


You'll notice that the top one has a poll for you, our readers, to participate in. I want to know what TV do you think delivers the best QUALITY (in your own opinion). The poll will stay up there for a while and I'll touch back on it to deliver the results. If you have any comments please leave me one. And if you'd like to follow us, click the link to the left that says "follow" or if you have a Twitter account you can follow us here. Talk to you soon,

Take care,

-Brian Read More!

Percy's Takes New Strides In Appliance Service

So you bought your appliance from "XYZ" appliance because you got a killer deal on it. You bring it home, have it installed, and 2 years later your appliance "hiccups"...what are you going to do? You rush to try to find the paperwork from the original sale and you find that "XYZ"....doesn't service the appliances they sell. What are you going to do? You decided maybe to get the extended warranty, or you thought it wasn't necessary. I'm here to tell you, it doesn't matter!

Call us here at Percy's and we'll fix it for you! We specialize in servicing 99.9% of all appliances. Whether you bought it from us or from "XYZ" or from Percy's, we're here to help you when you need it. In-Warranty, Out-of doesn't matter. We'll fix it. Appliance not working like it did the day you bought it? Call us up and we'll come take a look at it.

We also now offer a new Appliance Drop-Off Service to all customers with smaller appliance issues. If you have an Air Conditioner, Small Refrigerator, Dehumidifier, Microwave, or even a washing machine, call Percy's to set up the drop-off and have your appliance repaired here at our store. You are responsible for bringing it to Percy's and we will call you when it's done. Give it a try. It may just save you money!

If you don't want to call us and are near a computer, go to and fill out a Service Request Form and our specialists will contact you shortly after.

Call us today at 508-756-5810 or click here to fill out a Service Request Form. Percy's Service. We'll work hard to keep your appliances running. Read More!