This Is It...2 More Days To Go!

As I've said in the past, holidays are a wonderful thing when you take the time to relax and enjoy it as it comes and goes. We all get too wrapped up in everything else going on that we forget to stop and enjoy it. Shopping has been going on for months now and is almost catching up to how long the Presidential Debate lasted :)
We at Percy's are sending off the BEST sales of the year for the last 2 days of the shopping season. You can see the HOT deals here. Get them before they are all gone! DVD Players for $39, 1080p HDTV's as low as $999 and GPS Navigation Systems starting at $99 after mail-in rebate.

My Quick Thought:

Most of you are already off work, out of school, on break, or on vacation so you're enjoying at least the time off. But ever notice it's when the holiday is over, that you wonder where it went?

If Bing Crosby were alive today he would be a gazillionaire! His recording of "I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas" has sold over 100 million copies according to the Guiness Book of Records 50 million of those being sold as just singles. I wonder how many people went onto iTunes recently and downloaded it. I know for us here in the Northeast we will thoroughly enjoy a White Christmas this year with an average of 18" of snow that just fell in 2.5 days. It started Friday and for some, didn't quit until last night. But not only that, I've also heard from friends with family in Seattle, WA. that snow is falling at an alarming rate with numbers unseen since at least 1972. And how about Las Vegas? Las Vegas got 3 inches of snow and hasn't seen the white stuff since 1974. Are we all destined for a White Christmas?

Share the holidays with those you love and take the time out of your busy schedule to remember the holiday now...instead of when it's over.

Happy Holidays to you and yours this year.

See you in 2009 and as always,

Take Care,


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