It's A Mitsubishi Bonanza...(no, not the car)

I write to you today post the warmest weekend of the summer. That's to go without saying. The temp barely got out of 80 and the humidity was "mild" to say the least. Yeah, Mother Nature is prepping us for a winter worse than last year if we keep this up. Or...we could have the warmest winter due to the lack of warmth this summer. Maybe we should have the 96 degree weather promotion in December instead of July. Who knows? What I do know, is that Mitsubishi has some HOT promotion going on right now that MAY interest you.

If you have been glancing at LCD's and Plasma TV's for a while but still can't figure out what on earth to get, let me throw another variable in the mix: DLP Projection. Yes the ominous size of a DLP Projection TV is unmistakable in amongst flat panel TV's, yet packs quite a punch when it comes to clarity. Mitsubishi is really the only brand worth talking about anymore that still put effort into this type of TV and I think they do a good job overall. Just about all the other brands that used to manufacture this type of TV have since given up. These Mitsus are priced well below an LCD or Plasma when it comes to size, but not below when it comes to quality.

For example: One Mitsubishi 60" DLP is priced at $1,299. Compare an LG 60" Plasma priced at $2,299. Same size, different technology, both 1080p, $1,000 difference! You have to see them to tell the difference though. Plasmas do better with black levels when it comes to that category but both are equally sharp. I know in my eyes, I prefer the DLP over the plasma in a lot of aspects, but everyone is different.

As if Mitsubishi didn't already make them ridiculously affordable, now they are making your choice even easier. They are giving away a free Vudu player with every purchase, a $50 credit towards Vudu movie downloads, AND will allow you to have No Money Down, No Payments, and No Finance Charges until 2011!

I know you're all dying to know what a Vudu player is. Well, a Vudu player is a media player that is similar to a Netflix media player except that is uses a "per-download" purchasing system vs. a monthly subscription that Netflix uses. With Vudu you can access your flicker account, Picasa account or even your Youtube account. Not only that, but you can stream your favorite Pandora stations directly through Vudu as well. Vudu is the #1 provider for HD movies on demand right now. Over 2,000 HD titles are available for either rental or download on the 250 GB hard drive. There are a total of 16,000+ HD movies, Standard Definition Movies & TV shows to choose from and it's free if you purchase any Mitsubishi DLP TV from now until August 3rd. See your salesperson for details or call us at 800-922-8194. Shop our selection of Mitsubishi DLP TV's here.

Take Care,


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