SSSSSSSSteam Heat!

It's time to jump on the bandwagon! Let's take a ride down Cleaning Lane and take a look at the benefits of steam cleaning and why it's quickly fogging up in our appliances.

Let's dumb it down and start from the beginning. What is steam? Steam is simply vaporized water. When you boil a pot of water and you see steam, this is just the reaction when the heated vapors hit the cooler air and creates a mist we call steam. Before today, steam was mostly used for cleansing our bodies and cleaning carpets.

The benefits of cleansing our bodies is it relieves our stiff joints and muscles, boosts our immune system, improves our blood circulation, and relieves our sinuses. Why do I not have a steam room in my office??? Not to mention it cleans our pores and helps rejuvenate our skin. For our carpets, it simply reacts with the fibers and cleans deep down to pull stubborn stains and spills. But why on earth would we want to use it in appliances?

We've always steam cleaned clothes to take the wrinkles out, so why not put the steam technology into a dryer that we can have in the house? Done. Dryers with this function exist now-a-days and not only does it take the wrinkles out of your clothes, but it cleanses them too. Think back to the carpet steamer. What is it's basic function? It uses the heat mixed with the water to break down stains that normally won't come out with any other cleaning method. It just makes sense to put it in a washer and a dryer. You're probably thinking "Why is this guy babbling about steam"? I'm getting to the point.

So, I was floating around the new products in Whirlpool's line, and came across this little gem. It's a freestanding range, that has a steam cleaning option when it comes to self-cleaning your range. Steam cleaning in your range? Genius!

Remember those handheld steamers that they sold on infomercials that had a little nozzle and a small tank? You'd fill it up, let it charge up some pressure, then release it on your grout, bathroom floors, pots and pans, and tons of other things to get them steam cleaned? This kinda works on the same concept. Spilled cheese off your killer homemade pizza in your new oven? No problem. Take your pizza out, allow the oven to cool a bit, remove the racks, and hit the steam clean option and in twenty minutes the steam clean is done. Open the oven and simply wipe up the remaining water from the steam clean and you're as good as done. Wow. Why isn't everything that easy? Why can't I simply put my pencil in a manual pencil sharpener and expect it to not keep snaping the tip off in-turn having to keep sharpening it over and over again until half the pencil is gone? Maybe a steam-assisted manual pencil sharpener is in order! (The oven will be available on our site soon.)

Now this oven steam cleaning option isn't meant for your 6 month cleaning regimen, it's only made for small jobs. But even still, sooner or later all different types of appliances will jump on the same bandwagon and follow us all down Cleaning Lane to a brighter and cleaner future. Here's to cleaner appliances!......and sharper pencils!

Take Care,


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