Multiple Choice Blog

I'm kinda thinking this blog entry is going to be just like those "Choose Your Own Adventure" novels. You know, the ones where you read like 50 pages and then the next page says "if you want to go to the castle turn to page 96, - OR- if you want to run and hide in the woods turn to page 52". Except mine doesn't have any castles, dragons, or even any woods. At least I hope.

So New England just witnessed it's first brush from a "Tropical Storm" in a while. I put that word in quotations because when I think of a tropical storm, I think tropical air is within the storm. But nooooo. This storm (Danny) brought forth fall. And no, not falling rain...fall. As in now it's 50 or below in the morning. Not something we New Englanders like to look forward to. Hopefully Labor Day will be good enough to enjoy the last hoorah of summer with family and friends.

"Labor Day 2009"

Stow away your A/C's, box up your white pants, and prep that grill for the fall/winter season. But don't do it just yet...there's still one more summer holiday left. Labor Day. The biggest travel weekend of the summer is upon us. People are getting their bathing suits ready for another run at the beach one more time before they replace a nice blanket in the sand for a nice rake in the leaves. But don't fret. Percy's has a sale planned for that weekend. So come back in 2 days to see the ad for our Labor Day Spectacular!

"Video Debut #2"

So yesterday I posted a video with a commercial featuring our Clearance Center and now I'm going to debut another video. This one is a commercial for our electronics section. It's football season and TV's are on sale at Percy's! We have a wide selection in-stock and ready to "WOW" you in your living room. Come to Percy's and see how "One Call Does It All!"

"Twitter & Bloggin'"

If you haven't already looked at our sidebar, we have our Twitter updates featured on the right. If you have Twitter, you can follow us here. Also, if you read this blog and you read it often, please follow us on the right hand side as well. We look forward to bring more information to you and also bring more sales and great offers as well. Just so you know, if you follow us, we sometimes will post items that are fresh off the SALE wagon and ready to be bought at ridiculous prices. Mose of the time the items aren't even on our site but we want to extend the offers to you, our followers, first before anyone else hears about it. See you in a couple of days!

Take Care,


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