Sound The Whiteout Alarm!!

The nation's capital has had the most snow it's seen in years. They got around 2' of snow this past weekend and are getting 18 to 24" of additional snow today. To make matters worse, Baltimore has weathermen like this guy...going NUTS over 22" of snow??? Crazy. We proud people in New England think its no big deal and take it in stride. It seems as though our snow blowers get more action than our lawnmowers! But it comes with the territory. That same snow is effecting us in Massachusetts today and a lot of people are sleeping in today.

So while you're sitting at home today because it's a school day, your office is closed, or maybe you're AT the office reading this...check out our page on the Cash for Appliances promotion. I've talked about this before and the promotion start date is coming real soon. This page is an informational spot you can go to get up-to-date information on when it will start and how much money will be given out. There are links to our local government pages and there's a sign up section to fill in and we'll email you when the time comes for this promotion to start. The monies are still unreleased and the date is still unknown but we are told it will happen soon.

Enjoy the day, enjoy the snow but remember to drive safe.

Take Care,


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