The Celtics Win, and If You Participated, So Do You!

The day has come and gone. The Boston Celtics entered game 6 obviously wanting a win and wanting it in a BIG way! They walked away with a championship, and an impressive 39 point win over the Lakers in the final game of the series. Even though the day has come and gone, the celebrations are just getting started!

It's a time of reflection. Remembering back to the day in December when you got the newspaper ad that looked like this, and you looked at it with a questionable grin. "Your TV & Audio purchases will be FREE if the Boston Celtics win the world championship this season" was the tag line that you read. It had a swirly basketball on it too. You probably thought to yourself, "Yeah right...the Celtics will never pull it off". Now you're thinking "Should'a done it!". It's always one of those things that you know the offer may sound silly, but in retrospect you REALLY wish you would have participated.

But, for those of you faithful fans I congratulate you on a championship well deserved. And for those proud fans who watched the game on their new big screen HDTV purchased at Percy's during the Celtics promotion, I congratulate you even more because now that tv is FREE! Percy's has set up a web page for the Celtics Promotion that you can find up-to-date information regarding the promotion. "When is the payout?", you ask? Well, the Telegram & Gazette did a news article on this promotion in today's paper and here is a direct quote from it:

"Percy’s sales manger Alan S. Lavine said the store bought an insurance policy to cover the potential refunds, which he estimated would come to hundreds of thousands of dollars. He expects to have a check from the insurance company within a few weeks.

“Once we have it, we’ll mail out invitations to come in. We’ll have a little party and give them their refund checks,” Mr. Lavine said."

All in all, Percy's will be contacting you directly regarding the results of this promotion. and when you can come pick up your refund. And if you didn't get a chance to participate in this promo, you never know, we may just do it again. But for now, we at Percy's would sincerely like to congratulate all those customers again for participating, and we hope you enjoy your free tv or home theater!

Take care,


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