By Gosh Golly It's A Heat Wave!

Well, well, well...where have you been all my life? I was beginning to think the state of Massachusetts started to drift off into the northernmost regions of Canada for a minute there. We haven't seen this heat all summer and I'm glad it's back! My A/C has been running full force (it's Energy Star..don't worry) keeping the family cool since Saturday and let me tell you, walking outside after being in the air conditioned house is like a heavy slap in the face. A sledge hammer to the lungs, if you will. It is so oppressive that it makes you wish, for a sliver of a second, that there was snow on the ground and you could dive into a snow angel wearing your shorts and flip-flops. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes we all wish this.

I went to the zoo on Sunday with some close friends and I happened to check the weather on my phone and it was 10:00am, the temp was 75˚, and the dewpoint was 72˚. Not so much happening in the temperature department, but it was definitely sticky outside. We hit one exhibit that just so happened to be indoors and it was 15˚ cooler than outside. Needless to say we took a 20 minute pit stop. I can't imagine what it's like to work outside during July and August and I can't even begin to think how it would be if we were in Arizona or Texas. No thanks. I'll stick to my N'oreaster's.

If you are without an Air Conditioner this blistery summer, fear not. Percy's still has plenty of A/C's in stock and ready to take your living room to the next level of "cool". We want to help you stay cool this year so we have A/C's starting at $99. Don't have any windows and still living in your parents basement? (There's nothing wrong with that by the way, it's a GREAT money-saver...) No problem, we have portable air conditioners too. If you don't know what A/C is right for your home, check here at one of my past posts where I tell you about the different types of A/C's, BTU's, and what A/C is best for your room. We can deliver it or you can come pick it up and take it home tonight. Check out our A/C's here.

Stay Cool. Take Care,


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