It's A Riot...That's NOT A Riot!!

Ever been to a non-riot riot? Me neither. Ever been to a real riot? I know I haven't. Ever been to a REFRIGERATOR RIOT?....I HAVE!

Trust me, no fist-fighting, shoving, rock-throwing, or bat-swinging will be involved. That's why it's called a non-riot riot. Just good old-fashioned honest people helping you get the refrigerator you need (or secretly want) all while saving some money. Percy's is having their annual Refrigerator Riot starting tomorrow only at Percy's in Worcester. Come down to save money on all refrigerators and they're starting at only $399. Our ad that is in the Telegram & Gazette can be seen here. Or, if you want to see our selection see here. Give us a call toll free at 800-922-8194 or email

On another note,

Percy's also has a table set up in electronics with lots of electronics audio and video products on it selling up to 80% off. Come to Percy's and check it out.

Take Care,


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