Where is the warm weather hiding....?

Ok. It's July 13th. This past weekend I adopted a Black Lab puppy. I'm still trying to get used to his habits and his daily bathroom schedule. So, this morning I got up at 5am (30 minutes earlier than usual), and when I got up, I brought him outside immediately and it was FREEZING out. The grass was wet and cold, and I could see my breath that early in the morning. C'mon.................IT'S JULY!!!!

I don't want to get into politics or any of that other banter on this blog, but I for one don't see where any of this "Global Warming" stuff is stemming from. Seriously. Where's the heat? Last year I purchased a new Air Conditioner here at Percy's and had it installed through the wall in my dining room and the last time I turned it on was probably August of last year. It's good for the environment to not have it on so much, which is good. However, this is ridiculous. If it's not heat we're experiencing, it's buckets and buckets of rain that are filling up our basements. My sump pump has been working more this year (including the ice storm...actually that was December...but anyways) than it has in the past 5 years. New England weather....gotta love it.

If there is one thing I would recommend to you that would have to be a new dehumidifier. I have 2 in my basement, one on each side, running whenever it rains or whenever it gets damp. If you have an older model or have one that you notice isn't working properly, you can either purchase an Energy Star model and save money annually, or you can drop off your old one and have us repair it. You can shop our Dehumidifiers here, and you can check out our service page here. Which-ever way you slice it, keeping your basement dry is the key this summer. Don't rule out the A/C this summer yet though...the warmth will come. It always does.

Take Care,


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