One Little Logo Can Save You Money

One logo. One star. One goal. The people at ENERGY STAR™ work hard to help save the planet everyday. According to, "ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices."

There's 2 words that stand out in this, "save" and "money". If anything, this is what ENERGY STAR is known for helping Americans do. Most don't think about what ENERGY STAR really does, they just hear those two words and they're hooked! I had a poll up asking what is MOST important to you when purchasing laundry and 50% of you voted for price. This clearly shows that most people look for this when buying laundry, but most importantly, look for where they can save more!

Percy's is helping you save more.

If you are a member of NSTAR Electric or National Grid, you can save $150 instantly on any ENERGY STAR Refrigerator over 18 cubic feet in size. To learn more on this promotion click here.

Take Care,


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