Summetime Leasure

It's getting to the time of the year when the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers are filling the neighborhoods and streets. People are laughing and playing in their yards, swimming in their pools, and enjoying one another's company. That's right, it's now officially summer. Time to spend time on your deck or patio. Also time to go on vacation...for some.

With gas prices higher than a bag full of food from the McDonald's Dollar Menu, going on vacation this year is becoming questionable. As a matter of fact, 37% of Americans are saying that they won't go on vacation this year due to the rising gas prices. 21% are still going to go along with their plans for vacations this summer, while the rest of Americans say they hadn't planned to go an vacation at all just "because"*.

The busiest travel season is between June, July, and August. Americans rely on vacations as being a staple in our lives. Each year visiting a new location on our planet, or to some, going back to our childhood spot and just getting away from all the hustle and bustle of the world today. We talk about all the issues on a daily basis, and to some there is no other way to get away then to, well, get away. Money is no option. These people say "Gas prices? Who noticed?" But it's unfortunate that there ARE things in our country today that are making travel impossible and it's a reality. So what to do? Well, some people are going to closer locations, some are using different means of transportation, while others are just cutting down the amount of trips they take, or just plain staying home.

C'mon, there are lots of good things to do for the summer while on vacation at home. The attic hasn't been cleaned for a while, the basement could use some tidying up, about that garage fellas? I'm doing a ton of yard work to try to make my yard more enjoyable for me and my family. Building my patio is something definitely in my plans for my vacation. Maybe a day trip here and there, but you won't find any hotels booked with my name on it this year. You may be doing the same as me this year. There's nothing wrong with that! Sometimes we as Americans just need to slow down and catch up with our lives and our families.

One thing I'm planning on this summer is BUYING a grill once my patio is done. I can't get through the summer without cooking at least 1 hamburger on a grill. Here at Percy's we not only have grills, but we also have the coolest things made for the outdoors that are sure to turn heads this summer. Percy's has the best selection of grills to start, but how about a refrigerator on your patio? You can be the entertainer for the neighborhood with your grill, your refrigerator, and maybe an ice maker or even a kegerator outside. You can also have your outside patio or deck area wired for sound with outdoor speakers and play your favorite music while entertaining. All the money you save from not going on vacation can go towards something that's going to last and be rewarding. Most importantly, something you'll enjoy as well as your family.

Whatever you do this summer Percy's wishes you only the best memories and total safety for you and your family. If you're traveling or staying home, make this the best summer. But if you do stay home, remember Percy's is your #1 place for all your outdoor entertaining needs.

Take Care,


*info found from USA Today

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