4 days left before the BIG GAME

Its Wednesday. The big game in Arizona is getting close. The hype is out of control. I think I watched 4 hours of Pats specials last night. I loved it because most of it was in High Definition.

So, there is 4 days left to get that new HDTV for the Big Game in Arizona. If you still can't decide, please come down to our store or call us. We have all our tv's on sale, and we have long term interest free financing for 2 years. We want to make sure your tv experience Sunday is first class. We are here to help you.

Yesterday, channel 4 in boston was here doing a story on Percy's and how independent family owned stores are competing in this economy against the big chains. All we see on tv, in the paper , and on radio is how bad things are, how they are going to get worse, the fed is lowering rates, the dollar is down etc etc, and he wanted to know how we (Percy's) do it. The reporter can't believe a small family owned store in Worcester competes year after year against the big chains nationally. How do we compete on price and service. I told him its very simple:

1. treat your customers as you would want to be treated
a. we are blessed with the best customers in the world
b. Our prices are right where the chains are

2. treat your employees as you would want to be treated
a. our Percy's team thinks of customer service and the customer first
b. Percy's is fortunate to have the staff we do. Every single person at Percy's works extremely hard to make each customers experience here a positive one.

3. Thank your customers every day. Thank your employees every day
a. Thank you. Two simple words

4. Be positive, be friendly, and be a good person to those around you

Thats how we do it. Great customers, honest employees. Every day we try and make a friend and keep a friend.

Thankyou for your business, We appreciate the chance to service you.


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