6 Days left before the BIG GAME

I am beginning to think that Super Bowl Sunday should be a national holiday. When I think of holidays, I think of family time with the kids, friends, neighbors, AND watching sports on tv.

Super Bowl Sunday is like no other Sunday or holiday that I can think of. Around New England , all the talk is about the team. There is definitely not a bigger sports event that is watched. Even the casual or non football fan turns the game on a little bit, if to do nothing else than watch the commercials.

But I was thinking, name another sporting event or television event during the year that people center their lives around. Going to a dinner party that day with people you really don't like, or like, cancel it or make sure its over at 6pm. Have a dance recital or child's event that day, make sure the event is before kickoff. Move up the recital time. I mean, people plan super bowl parties weeks in advance, even if your favorite team is not playing. Many restaurants close that night!! Parents, grand parents, and kids all gather around the tv to watch a game. Its mind boggling.
This is a special year. The home team has a chance to make history and the great fans of New England can't get enough.....myself included!!

For Percy's, because of the patriots , its a holiday. Its right up there with the December holiday shopping season. The excitement in this store is at a all time high. All our great customers who bought high definition tv's will be enjoying them super bowl Sunday. All their friends will be watching great tv's with a picture that is so life like, you will swear you are at the game.

We still have lots of high definition tv's in stock and ready for pickup. Our sale is on thru Sunday at 6pm and our prices are low, low, low. Hope to see you here.

Thank you for your business


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