You Are About To Say "Are You Kidding Me?"

This is what I said and I KNOW that this is what you'll say too.

I was flipping around the google news section with "appliances" in the search header looking for any up-to-date appliance news for our blog like I usually do, and something grabbed my eye.

The header said "White Christmas Earns Some Free Appliances". No, unfortunately the report wasn't about Percy's in Worcester. However, it was about an appliance store in Fort Scott KANSAS!!! (Ok, now you can say "Are You Kidding Me?").'s website posted the story and it reads:

"...Denny Heidrick started a tradition at his Fort Scott appliance store more than ten years ago. Make a major purchase in the two weeks after Black Friday and, if three inches of snow falls Christmas Eve, it's free!

This is the first time customers are able to cash in...."

I have a lot of things flying around in my head right now and all of them don't make any sense.

1. Why on earth would anyone bet snowfall in Kansas? Kansas averages around 10" ALL YEAR. (Massachusetts averages 64" - 84" all year) It's almost impossible to hit three inches in Kansas in one day let alone in a year.

2. With the snowfall averages in Massachusetts wouldn't you think that that would be Percy's name in that storyline?

It's baffling to me. Oh well, congratulations to all in Fort Scott who are enjoying their free dishwasher right about now. Don't worry New England....2010 is gonna be our year. I can feel it.

Have a safe and happy new year.

Take Care,

Read More!

A New Year Resolution Worth Doing

Wow. Talk about a New England weather flop! We recorded less than an inch of snow on Christmas Day unfortunately, but the day AFTER Christmas was 51º! How was that possible? I can remember a few years ago there was a Thunderstorm the day after Christmas so it's not too unbelievable. But I hope everyone's holiday was a great one.

The dawn of a New Year is around the corner and I once again haven't come up with any New Year's Resolutions. None. However, I would think that most people would like to become more "Earth Conscious" and to save more energy, but that may not have hit the top ten New Year's Resolution list. Shouldn't it have?

According to Associated Content, these are the top ten New Year's Resolutions for 2010:

10 - Stop Smoking. That is a good one to do obviously. The even more obvious reason should be the fact that it's almost $10 a pack here in Massachusetts so if you're a pack a get my drift.

9 - Be Nicer To Other People. Who wouldn't want to be?

8 - Quit Drinking. Same reason as #10 would be the cost value but also health is always a resolution as a whole and quitting drinking greatly reduces liver damage. No this is not your Mother talking.

7 - Quit Taking Recreational Drugs. I'm not going to get to much into this but Biggie.

6 - Spend More Time With My Family. With the economy the way that it is, money is becoming a hot commodity and in a lot of cases, more work = more money. If you have a wife/husband with kids at home and you're spending 90 hours a week working just to make more money, you need to think about how it's effecting them too. Some people want to strive to spend more time with the fam and companies have to accommodate for this!

5 - Read More Books. C'mon, they even have books on electronic devices now. If you're a tech junkie? a ebook reader and read more. Your brain will thank you.

4 - Expand My Horizons By Learning Something New or Taking Up A Hobby That Doesn't Involve A Computer. No...Bejeweled isn't a hobby. Learn a new language, build model airplanes, write a short story that maybe only you would read. It doesn't have to be Oprah's best seller, just something from the heart. Maybe it's time to turn the TV off for an hour a night and try something we wouldn't normally paint! That's what I did! Very therapeutic .

3 - (This is probably where "Become More Energy Efficient" should land) Organize My Life So My Time Is Spent More Efficiently. My desk is visible proof of this. There are so many free avenues of ways to keep us more organized. I'll give you one tip. Only one. If you have Gmail, you can click on Calendar and setup an appointment. More importantly, you can have the reminder emailed to you or even to your Blackberry or iPhone. I just recently started using it because my brain is turning to mush, but it helps. I now remember some of the more useless things that I would ALWAYS forget about for some reason. The best quote I've ever read is "Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance". Say that 2 times fast...I dare you!

2 - Go On A Diet/Lose Weight. No explanation needed here! We all could afford to do it. (See #4)

1 - Get Out Of Debt And Handle My Money Better. You, me and the Government all need to aspire to do this this year. EVERYONE!! It's hard but it needs to be done.

So there you have it. Feel free to flip the pencil over and erase the ones you want to put on the top shelf for now labeled "Come Back To This Later". We all do it. Let's all strive to get 1 thing accomplished this year we set out to do. I'll promise as long as you do too.

Take Care,

Read More!

Need A Christmas Miracle...

It's Christmas Eve. Some of you are driving, flying or taking a train to see your family tonight or tomorrow. If you're going to the Midwest there is a ton of snow falling on one side, and tornado warnings on the other side. The Northeast? Not so much.

I've been monitoring the situation from my desk at Percy's on Gold Star Boulevard in Worcester, and it's not looking good. The average temperature for tomorrow will be between 38º and 41º. Precipitation is only at 10% possibility. The chance of 6" of snow is now lowered to around 1% at this point. So, we are in desperate need of a Christmas miracle! I've set up a little section here that you can check on after Christmas Day has finished. Click the link to see the official measurements from the National Weather Service. FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!

I would like to wish all you and yours a very Happy Holiday this year. Wherever you are, whoever you're with, may your holiday be bright.

And as always...

Take Care,

Read More!

WWW.WEATHER.COM Dreaming of A White Christmas?

It's cold. I mean, it's freezing. I feel bad for some radio hosts that I'm listening to right now, they're walking and collecting money to feed the hungry. They're doing the annual "Walk and Rock for Change" collecting money for the Worcester County/Greater Boston and New Hampshire Food Banks. Good luck to them, they're doing a good thing for the needy this holiday season. It will probably feel about 2º outside with the windchill, so I hope they keep warm.

They said that this winter wouldn't be AS bad as last year. If you remember last year we got pretty good snow amounts and we had bitter cold days. We also had the Ice Storm of '08 that cut down many people's power and heat for almost 2 weeks. With high hopes of a White Christmas, people came to Percy's during the Black Friday weekend and any purchase they made could have been free if it snowed 6" or more on Christmas Day. If I remember correctly, we got a huge snow heap the day AFTER Christmas. So sadly, nobody won in 2008.

This year the odds are a little higher. I decided to check yesterday to see if there were any updates on when and if snow would fall next week (Christmas Day) and I came across something alarming. It is supposed to snow Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We have a 60% chance of snow on Christmas Day! So all you customers who came out and shopped on Black Friday in 2009, there is a better chance of snow on this day over last year! Keep those fingers crossed. Remember, the 6" HAS to be reported at the Worcester Airport in order to be a success. Thankfully, the Worcester Airport is up on one of the many Worcester Hills so snowfall is more likely to accumulate. I'll keep you posted.

Take Care,

Read More!

Ready To Wrap, Ready To Give

It's the Christmas Season again. I have exactly 17 days to start my Christmas shopping. I can't help procrastinating year in and year out, it just happens. I'm telling you, I always end up at CVS an hour before my Christmas Eve party buying my $5 grab. It's horrible. As you sit and read this blog I hope you're shopping is done (or at least almost done). I can remember hearing customers at previous retail stores I've worked in, saying that AFTER Christmas, mere days after the holiday, they are DONE shopping for the next year. I wish I could be more like them. Celebrate the holiday, prep for the next one, and wait 362 some odd days to give the gifts! But sadly, 98% of Americans are more like me....they wait. I don't know if we wait for the best last minute deals?...or we're just way too busy to think about it?...or could it be that EVERYONE goes to the mall at the same time and there isn't enough Tylenol in the bottle to overcome it? Whatever it is, it is...what it is.

I'm going to try and eliminate SOME of the pressure of holiday purchasing. Percy's has a holiday gift guide and a section of gifts for under $200. We've got some video game systems, portable dvd players, iPod docks, digital picture frames, and some more great gift ideas for NOW. Not for an hour before the store closes on Christmas Eve. Don't wait! Beat the procrastinating bug this holiday season.

Take Care,

Read More!

If It Snows 6" or More...

...on Christmas Day, your purchase will be FREE! Yes, it's already that time again. Each year time seems to get shorter and shorter, but alas, it's time again for Black Friday. The turkey is in the fridge awaiting two pieces of bread, the stuffing and potato are gone, pies are chilling for another round of feasting today, and people were are out in their PJ's at stores just after midnight tonight for that killer deal. Oh how I love the holidays.

We here at Percy's offer a lot of those killer deals here too with killer pricing but our angle is a little off skew with everyone else's offers. We don't just offer the big screen TV's for under $700, or the 1 year no interest financing, or the $99 Blu-ray players, nope...we've gone above and beyond everyone else. We're selling everything this weekend at low, low prices and are boldly stating that if it snows 6" or more on Christmas Day at the Worcester Airport from 12:01 AM to 11:59 PM...we'll pay off your entire purchase. Yup. Everything you'll buy (excluding tax) will be totally free.

So how would a 60" Mitsubishi DLP 1080p HDTV sound at a low price of $799? How about if it snows 6" or more on Christmas Day and it costs $0 (excluding tax)? Why buy elsewhere for the same products when you can shop at Percy's and pay nothing extra for the chance that it could be free? It just makes sense to not shop anywhere else. We've also got some perfect furniture packages with some HDTV's and Blu-ray players that are priced just right for the holiday and remember, it could be free!

See our ad in the Telegram & Gazette or view it online here. We're open all weekend and are ready to make your holiday a memorable one! See a salesperson for all the details on this ad.

Take Care,


Read More!

How About Sleeping In Black Friday?

I've seen a lot of things in my retail career. I've seen seasons come and go, ad campaigns come and go, fads come and go, Furby's come and go, but nothing compares to Black Friday. I used to work for a big chain and I used to have to go into work on Black Friday at around 3am. When I GOT there at 3am, a line had already been forming and was about 300 people least. It is without a doubt the busiest shopping day og the year. So why get up at 1am or earlier just to beat the crowds???

How about beating the crowds this Sunday?

This Sunday (November 22nd) come to Percy's and buy your Christmas gifts early. We're releasing some of our many specials early so you don't have to rush after Thanksgiving. Take the day off, laugh at your friends who are out in the cold...because you bought yours early. Buy Early. Save Early.

You can see the deals here. Pricing may not be correct if it's not the 22nd of November.

Take Care,

-Brian Read More!

TV's For Everyone This Holiday

The highest anticipated Christmas gift last year was a nice, big, shiny new flat panel High-Def TV. Most people saw the $3,000 to $5,000 price tag on the average size desired (42"), and said "Ehhhhh, I'll wait." The waiting is over!

Most 42" Flat Panel HDTV's are priced (on average) from $999 to $2,000 depending on what you buy. Some plasmas may be more expensive and some LCD's may be more expensive, it all depends on what features you're looking for. Either way, the price is a green light for some and they'll have one with a red bow on it on December 25th under their tree. 720p is the economic High-Def TV that you'll still find in stores, but 1080p is what people have been waiting for the price to drop on. 1080p is considered TRUE FULL HD and will give you the best quality. Although 1080p is the highest, you have to question whether or not there will be any higher resolution. I mean they went from tube staticy resolution to 720p to 1080p in a long time, yet technology is advancing 10 times quicker so there has to be something......and there is.

They are working on what they call Super Hi-Vision. You see, 1080p is basically 1920 x 1080 pixels of resolution. Super Hi-Vision is claiming to have 7680 × 4320 pixels, four times as wide and four times as high as existing HDTV. I can't even fathom what that would even look like. I mean 1080p looks really good to me, so how would 4320p look? Should you hold off? No. Japan is working on this now and they have to build it from the ground up. The date that they may have a working prototype won't be until at least 2020.

So until then, 1080p will continue to drop in price and more and more HD channels will be unveiled on your cable or satellite provider. See one of our sales specialists to see what type is right for you. And check back closer to Black Friday to see the best deals all year on Flat Panel HDTV's. Keep the spot under the tree warm for now...

Take Care,

Read More!

"Would you like a sofa with that?"

Years ago when you went to any drive thru burger joint, customers would order a burger and the old saying goes, that the person taking the order, would say "Would you like fries with that?" Nowadays when you go through the drive thru it's "Would you like to make it large?" No we're not selling french fries, however we ARE selling furniture now. So I think the new slogan should read "Would you like a sofa with that?"

Percy's introduces Klaussner Furniture. Klaussner is a furniture brand based out of Asheboro, NC and has been privately owned since 1979. They distribute their furniture to furniture stores all over the world and have 4 Klaussnerhome stores of their own. They are affiliated with a fabricator company in NC that makes their foam and also have a center located in Iowa. With these locations, they pride themselves on being one of the quickest turnaround companies when it comes to special ordering furniture. As a matter of fact, on their website it says,

"With the company offering more than 500 styles, 600 fabric choices and over 75 leathers, plus the fastest delivery times in the industry on custom orders, consumers can have what they want, how they want it, when they want it"

Kinda sounds like a burger joint slogan doesn't it? Not only is it fast, it's comfortable. Percy's is carrying 4 styles including a bonded leather set. Within these 4 styles are a bunch of color options and are all readily available within 4 weeks as a special order. We have sofas, loveseats, chairs, ottomans, occasional tables, and sectionals.

But not only do we carry the furniture, but we've also bundled some of the furniture with some TV's. We have a Samsung 50" package starting at $1,499 and a Mitsubishi 65" DLP package starting at $1,999. You have to come and sit in front of these TV's on the furniture included in the package and feel and see the difference. Come see one of our specialists today! You can see some of the furniture here.

Take Care,

Read More!

Cash For Your "Clunker'd" Appliance

I know I'm a little slow on relaying this info, however, now's a good a time as any. A lot of you remember the whole Cash for Clunker program founded by the government to help stimulate the economy and also help get Americans into a newer car with fewer emissions? It was the first step this country took in helping make a cleaner Earth (under the new administration) and basically help get people into new cars. According to sources over 690,000 cars were sold during this period and dealers like Honda had record sales made as well. So what about that squeaky washer? What about that refrigerator that barely keeps the milk at a safe drinkable temperature while at the same time draining the town's energy surplus? Why can't you get a break? I mean after all, you have a good, reliable car and weren't able to participate in the cash for clunkers so, why can't you get SOMETHING?

Well, hopefully late 2009, early 2010 you will. States now are starting to get approvals from the DOE (Department of Energy) for their stimulus programs that will take place starting hopefully sometime in November and will run until all funding has been exhausted. While the dollar amounts aren't clear for each particular appliance category, the government has released a list of all categories that will qualify:

* Boilers
* Central air conditioners
* Clothes washers
* Dishwashers
* Freezers
* Furnaces (oil and gas)
* Heat pumps (air source and geothermal)
* Refrigerators
* Room air conditioners
* Water heaters stated "The appliances eligible for a rebate and the amounts of those rebates will vary from state to state however the DOE has recommended that rebates of $50 dollars to $250 dollars be offered...". They go on to say, "Massachusetts will receive $6.2 million dollars to fund their rebate program. The plan submitted by the Patrick administration is currently being reviewed by the DOE. If approved, the Massachusetts Home Appliance Energy Efficiency Rebate Program will begin in February 2010 and will continue as long as the rebates last. Under the Massachusetts program, rebates are expected to be issued for purchases of new, qualified, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and clothes washers. The amounts of those rebates are not yet known." also goes on to say in another article exactly how many old appliances will be kicked to the curb and roughly how much energy will actually be saved. "The state estimates that 27,000 old, inefficient refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and clothes washers could be taken out of service, saving about 2.6 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually."

So there you have it. If a car clunker program can sell 690,000 cars, how many Energy Star appliances do you think can be sold? I mean, this program won't get the astronomical $5 billion that the cash for clunker car program got, but $300 million seems reasonable when you look at a $4,500 rebate versus a possible $250 rebate. What's next? Rebates for windows?...rebates for dog houses?...rebates for pens? about a new computer???

Stay tuned here for up to date info on this new government program.

Take care,

Read More!

Prices "Fall" Just In Time For.....Fall

I've mentioned before about our clearance section here at Percy's. We're knee deep in a recession, it's snowing the second full week of October, Christmas is right around the corner, and yet Percy's keeps offering high quality appliances for up to half off. Why? Because of a small dent on the left panel that won't be seen anyways? Maybe a small scratch on the cooktop? That's a deal worth looking at.

We're constantly updating the inventory on the floor in our clearance section and items don't stick around long here. We have washers, dryers, ranges, refrigerators, cooktops, microwaves, wall ovens, and more. All have minor defects with major savings. All have full manufacturers warranties and are ready for pickup or delivery.

In times like these, Percy's is doing more to help you save more. This is our pledge to you.

See some of our huge deals here.

Take Care,

Read More!

Time's Running Out On Pioneer HDTV's

This recession is putting a damper on everyone and everything. Business' closing, housing markets crashing, all are tightening their belts to get by. But when you take a company that arguably made THE best plasma on the planet and you take the plasma equation out of it, you know the economy is bad.

The Pioneer Elite PRO-151FD is a 60" Plasma HDTV that is years beyond the current plasma lineup as far as quality and picture. Every website you go to gives it 5 out of 5 stars and has nothing but good things to say about it. Probably the only bad thing that people have to say about it, other than the price, is that the energy rating isn't that great. But for those out buying a luxury car that end up with a Maserati, they know the quality they're getting as well as knowing the poor gas mileage.

I had a chance to sit down with Steve Giaquinto (one of our electronics salesmen), and ask him some questions on this TV.

Brian: I want to know what is so special about this Pioneer plasma HDTV. Why is it one of the most sought-after TV's on the market right now?

Steve: It's one of the most sought after TV's because of it's overall quality. The black levels it's capable of producing and the color accuracy far exceed any plasma on the market. It has the darkest shade of black which shows off the most detail that is possible. It has one of the clearest pictures I've ever seen. It is without a doubt 2 or 3 years advanced over any other plasma on the market.

B: Why is Pioneer dropping out of the HDTV biz and leaving the top spot in the plasma category?

S: They didn't want to put out a product that they weren't going to be proud of. With the economy the way it is it was putting a damper on sales because people couldn't afford the panels. Cost-wise it wasn't what they wanted to continue doing.

B: The price tag is a little high. If I was a consumer and HAD that kind of money, what can I expect from this TV?

S: This panel will exceed all expectations you have in any TV. It has flawless color balance and again, has the blackest blacks. The sheer detail and picture quality this TV has will win you over instantly. It has near-flawless motion and probably the best skin tone color that I've ever seen in any flat panel. Just the picture quality alone is enough to make it number 1.

B: What are the installation options?

S: Like any other flat panel it is wall mountable and has a stand as well. It also has detachable speakers and a subwoofer "out" so you can keep the speakers plugged in and just run a subwoofer if you want. In my opinion the speakers actually sound really good on this TV.

B: How many of these do you have in stock and do you anticipate these sticking around for a while?

S: We have 8 in stock right now at $6499. There have been some quotes written so these TV's are of interest to people. I don't anticipate them sticking around too long. Because the brand is dropping the line it is making the TV more valuable than ever so people are definitely searching for this.

B: What would you recommend a consumer purchase with this to get the maximum performance from this TV?

S: Well if you want to get the best TV on the market I'd suggest getting the best cables. The best HDMI cable will only help enhance the picture quality making it look even better. I would also recommend the best surge protector/conditioner. It would only ruin the customer's day to get home with a $6500 TV and have a power surge without having it properly plugged in.

So it's an end of a legacy, but the TV's are still here although there are limited quantities. If you want to learn more on this TV come down and talk to one of our knowledgeable electronics salesmen. They know the insides and outs of these TV's and let me, tell you, Steve taught me things I didn't know about these TV's and it only took 10 minutes.

If you are interested in one of these panels give us a call at 508-755-5269 and put one on hold today.

Take care,


Read More!

It's Practically Stealing It...

Last Friday I changed the ads on the home page of I was given a sheet from the manager showing three washing machines with these really low, low, low numbers on them. I didn't think that these models would even come CLOSE to the models that they actually are. But, I put the ad together (which looks good if I don't say so, myself [see image]) and posted it. I'm not even going to lie...and it's like the title says...It's Practically Stealing It...

The first washer is the FTF2140FS. Regularly priced it's reasonable at $599. Not your entry level front load washer, but not quite your mid level washer either. It's a happy middle ground between those two. We're selling it for $399. Save $200. It gets better

The second one is a Bosch WFMC5301UC and it's normally priced at $949. It's a great mid level to upper level washing machine with not a whole lot of bells and whistles, but a whole lot of German engineering and washability. We're selling this one for $549. Save $400. C'mon. Think I'm done?

The third and last model is an Electrolux EWFLW65HTS and it's normally $1699. This one has ALL the bells and whistles you would expect from a top level washing machine (except steam) including blue LED interior lighting, quiet sound packaging, tons of wash and rinse cycles, sanitary cycle, and tons more. Would you believe me if I told you we were selling it for only $999? Saving $700? No? Believe it.

These washers will fit any budget and will do the job of cleaning your clothes using less water than a top load. We have very limited stock on these items and they are going fast. Call 508-755-5269 and ask for me or come to Percy's to see one for yourself and take it home today before they are gone. This is going to be the biggest sale on front load washers all year and you don't want to miss it. Come down and take a look or call me and I'll help you with whatever you're looking for.

Take Care,

Read More!

One Little Logo Can Save You Money

One logo. One star. One goal. The people at ENERGY STAR™ work hard to help save the planet everyday. According to, "ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices."

There's 2 words that stand out in this, "save" and "money". If anything, this is what ENERGY STAR is known for helping Americans do. Most don't think about what ENERGY STAR really does, they just hear those two words and they're hooked! I had a poll up asking what is MOST important to you when purchasing laundry and 50% of you voted for price. This clearly shows that most people look for this when buying laundry, but most importantly, look for where they can save more!

Percy's is helping you save more.

If you are a member of NSTAR Electric or National Grid, you can save $150 instantly on any ENERGY STAR Refrigerator over 18 cubic feet in size. To learn more on this promotion click here.

Take Care,


Read More!

Win Free TV's from Percy's

Percy's and The Pike 100 FM are joining together to get a new TV in your home! It's simple, go to this link, signup and say who you think will win the upcoming Patriots game, put what you think the score will be, and on Monday morning Alan Lavine of Percy's will be at The Pike 100 FM to see if there is a winner. You HAVE to have the winning team selected and the exact score also (example: Patriots win 50 - 0)

Percy's will continue to keep doing this as long as the Patriots keep playing (which will be the Superbowl, of course). At the end of the season one lucky prize winner will take the grand prize home, a 42" Plasma TV!

Here is the audio from The Pike 100 FM of the announcement!

Good Luck to all!

Take Care,

-Brian Read More!

Calling All Old & Outdated Kitchens!!!

If you've walked into your kitchen over the past, oh I don't know, hour?...and within that hour pointed out 3 or more things that you would like to change about your kitchen but just don't know what to do? "Where do I start?", you ask..."Who do I talk to?". Percy's wants to help you find the answer.

Your kitchen may have cabinets that won't fit the dishes, some are rotten, while some doors have refused to open without a screwdriver for the past 6 years. Your white countertops are stained with 25 years of use that nothing on the planet will take it up unless it contains a blowtorch or a sledgehammer. Yes, some of our kitchens have character. Some are beyond recognition other than the fact that it has a stove in it, while others just need a simple facelift.

Most people are like our "Virtual Kitchen Owner" above (We'll call her Sue for now). They are confused on what to do first. They think that it all has to be an extremely expensive job and don't know that there are budget ideas out there. And what Sue doesn't know is that her kitchen can be completely re-done for a lot less than she thinks. She just needs to talk to the RIGHT person.

At Percy's we held a Meet the Designer Night here around Springtime and we had many come out, like yourself, looking for answers. Who? What? How? and How Much? were the top questions. Percy's will take care of the "Who?" question. We have almost 25 different designers in Central Mass coming out to Percy's to meet you and answer the remaining 3 questions. You may find that you still have to wait a little longer for your dream kitchen, but most will learn that a dream kitchen is right around the corner. Either way, you'll know whether or not to go home and put the first ceremonial 'swing-of-the-hammer' in that cabinet door where the screwdriver went or whether you need to get the hammer warmed up for a future swing.

Come to Percy's on October 7th from 6pm to 8pm and meet our designers. These designers have been working with Percy's for many years and we have picked the most knowledgeable and trustworthy to be represented on this night. Click here to register for this event. Upon registration you are entered to win a Bosch dishwasher valued at up to $749. We know you'll meet someone and we hope you walk into the kitchen, say in three months, and you smile.

Take Care,

Read More!

Sound. So Deafening.....

Well Happy Labor Day to all. Funny I thought Labor Day meant everyone WENT to work and did labor, instead, people get it off. I have everything all wrong. They should change it to Labor-FREE Day. I hope you all are enjoying today and the beautiful weather. Many of you are off to town fairs, the beach, the car wash, or even doing some hardcore yard work getting ready for the colder weather. You should be glad you slept in this morning because when I drove to work early this morning my thermometer outside my truck said 49˚...cold but oddly refreshing.......ok, down to business. I've got a PROMOTION ALERT!!!!

Man do I have 2 good ones for you today on this wonderful "misleading" holiday! If you are sitting at home on your couch reading this blog, or if you're at work reading this blog and WANTING to be on your couch, think of what your living room looks like. Better yet, what does it SOUND like? Did you recently get a killer flat screen TV but are lacking in the sound department? Maybe you NEED a killer flat screen TV and I have a deal that will GIVE you killer sound too? Let me tell ya, I have 2 wicked good deals that will be sure to peel your carpet off the floors or loosen the floor boards, I kid you not.

1. Mitsubishi Deal w/ Free Wireless Subwoofer.

If you haven't seen this new technology from Mitsubishi, grab your keys, get in your car, and drive down here.

C'mon, why are you still sitting there!!!

Go to Electronics and ask a Audio/Visual specialist to show you what this TV is all about because it is nothing less than amazing. It will put on a little sound show giving you a test drive on how the new 16-speaker soundbar actually works. Let me tell you, it sounds incredible. But what would be better than a 16-speaker soundbar on an LCD Flat Panel HDTV? I'll tell you. How about a Polk Audio Wireless Subwoofer to kick the sound up a notch? Sounds good right? How about if the subwoofer was FREE!!!! You're saying "C'mon Brian, why are you lying to me and getting my hopes up in getting a free subwoofer with my Mitsubishi TV that I'm about to buy? There HAS to be a catch!"...I'm not lying! It's Free! ...and there's NO catch! Come down and pick out any size Mitsubishi LCD Flat Panel HDTV with UNISEN™ Sound Technology and we'll give you a $400 Polk Audio Wireless Subwoofer for free. It's that easy.

2. Save $500 on Bose Lifestyle 38IV in Black

This is for the broken hearted individual that just bought a TV but can't find a good deal on a Home Theater for their living room. I'm in such a giving mood today, because today I'm telling you about a Bose deal that comes once in a lifetime...or once every 6 months however you want to weigh it... This Lifestyle system retails for $2,999 in black, but we're offering you $500 off! I wish I got $500 off my yearly GAS intake on my truck! This is insane. You will have the best sound quality in a box and you will save $500. These are only a few left so call or come down to claim yours today.

Well I hope these deals are what you're looking for and I wish you all a good holiday and I'll talk to you soon.

Take Care,


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Multiple Choice Blog

I'm kinda thinking this blog entry is going to be just like those "Choose Your Own Adventure" novels. You know, the ones where you read like 50 pages and then the next page says "if you want to go to the castle turn to page 96, - OR- if you want to run and hide in the woods turn to page 52". Except mine doesn't have any castles, dragons, or even any woods. At least I hope.

So New England just witnessed it's first brush from a "Tropical Storm" in a while. I put that word in quotations because when I think of a tropical storm, I think tropical air is within the storm. But nooooo. This storm (Danny) brought forth fall. And no, not falling rain...fall. As in now it's 50 or below in the morning. Not something we New Englanders like to look forward to. Hopefully Labor Day will be good enough to enjoy the last hoorah of summer with family and friends.

"Labor Day 2009"

Stow away your A/C's, box up your white pants, and prep that grill for the fall/winter season. But don't do it just yet...there's still one more summer holiday left. Labor Day. The biggest travel weekend of the summer is upon us. People are getting their bathing suits ready for another run at the beach one more time before they replace a nice blanket in the sand for a nice rake in the leaves. But don't fret. Percy's has a sale planned for that weekend. So come back in 2 days to see the ad for our Labor Day Spectacular!

"Video Debut #2"

So yesterday I posted a video with a commercial featuring our Clearance Center and now I'm going to debut another video. This one is a commercial for our electronics section. It's football season and TV's are on sale at Percy's! We have a wide selection in-stock and ready to "WOW" you in your living room. Come to Percy's and see how "One Call Does It All!"

"Twitter & Bloggin'"

If you haven't already looked at our sidebar, we have our Twitter updates featured on the right. If you have Twitter, you can follow us here. Also, if you read this blog and you read it often, please follow us on the right hand side as well. We look forward to bring more information to you and also bring more sales and great offers as well. Just so you know, if you follow us, we sometimes will post items that are fresh off the SALE wagon and ready to be bought at ridiculous prices. Mose of the time the items aren't even on our site but we want to extend the offers to you, our followers, first before anyone else hears about it. See you in a couple of days!

Take Care,


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Percy's Clearance Center Commercial

Percy's has a section in the store that is dedicated to helping customers get a new appliance that is new and out of the box but may have a few imperfections for rock bottom prices. They still come with full manufacturer's warranties, booklets, etc. All you do is save! Save up to 50% off on refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, freezers, dishwashers, etc. See our commercial below. Learn more about our clearance section here.

Take care,


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Get Out Your Popcorn!

Bose is bringing you a deal that is definitely worth checking out. If you haven't heard the power of a Bose Lifestyle system, then you need to check out our display we have at our store, or go to a Bose store and check out the home theater room they have set up. The sound quality coming from such tiny tiny speakers is mind blowing. It really makes you feel like you're at the movies and experiencing that same feeling you get...minus the sticky floors.

If you come to Percy's and buy any flat panel TV 32" or larger and/or purchase any Blu-ray player and you will save 10% on either the Bose Lifestyle V20 or the Lifestyle V30. The V20 retails for $1999 but will cost you only $1799, and the V30 retails for $2999 and will cost you only $2699 when you purchase one of the other items. They both must be on the same ticket (TV + Lifestyle or Blu-Ray + Lifestyle) in order to be valid.

This deal is only going on from now until September 20, 2009 and you need to come to Percy's to participate in the deal. These kind of Bose deals don't come around often and Bose rarely goes on sale. Now is the time to get a high-quality home theater system for 10% off! Keep checking back for more Promotion Alerts!

Take Care,


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SSSSSSSSteam Heat!

It's time to jump on the bandwagon! Let's take a ride down Cleaning Lane and take a look at the benefits of steam cleaning and why it's quickly fogging up in our appliances.

Let's dumb it down and start from the beginning. What is steam? Steam is simply vaporized water. When you boil a pot of water and you see steam, this is just the reaction when the heated vapors hit the cooler air and creates a mist we call steam. Before today, steam was mostly used for cleansing our bodies and cleaning carpets.

The benefits of cleansing our bodies is it relieves our stiff joints and muscles, boosts our immune system, improves our blood circulation, and relieves our sinuses. Why do I not have a steam room in my office??? Not to mention it cleans our pores and helps rejuvenate our skin. For our carpets, it simply reacts with the fibers and cleans deep down to pull stubborn stains and spills. But why on earth would we want to use it in appliances?

We've always steam cleaned clothes to take the wrinkles out, so why not put the steam technology into a dryer that we can have in the house? Done. Dryers with this function exist now-a-days and not only does it take the wrinkles out of your clothes, but it cleanses them too. Think back to the carpet steamer. What is it's basic function? It uses the heat mixed with the water to break down stains that normally won't come out with any other cleaning method. It just makes sense to put it in a washer and a dryer. You're probably thinking "Why is this guy babbling about steam"? I'm getting to the point.

So, I was floating around the new products in Whirlpool's line, and came across this little gem. It's a freestanding range, that has a steam cleaning option when it comes to self-cleaning your range. Steam cleaning in your range? Genius!

Remember those handheld steamers that they sold on infomercials that had a little nozzle and a small tank? You'd fill it up, let it charge up some pressure, then release it on your grout, bathroom floors, pots and pans, and tons of other things to get them steam cleaned? This kinda works on the same concept. Spilled cheese off your killer homemade pizza in your new oven? No problem. Take your pizza out, allow the oven to cool a bit, remove the racks, and hit the steam clean option and in twenty minutes the steam clean is done. Open the oven and simply wipe up the remaining water from the steam clean and you're as good as done. Wow. Why isn't everything that easy? Why can't I simply put my pencil in a manual pencil sharpener and expect it to not keep snaping the tip off in-turn having to keep sharpening it over and over again until half the pencil is gone? Maybe a steam-assisted manual pencil sharpener is in order! (The oven will be available on our site soon.)

Now this oven steam cleaning option isn't meant for your 6 month cleaning regimen, it's only made for small jobs. But even still, sooner or later all different types of appliances will jump on the same bandwagon and follow us all down Cleaning Lane to a brighter and cleaner future. Here's to cleaner appliances!......and sharper pencils!

Take Care,

Read More!

"Is Doing Laundry REALLY This Easy?"

This is the question you will probably say out loud after using this "state-of-the-art" new technology from GE. You know, we've come a long way from the wheel, the light bulb, the first phone, and now the automatic floor vacuuming robot. But why stop there? Why not go further? That's GE's mentality. "Let's see how we can go WAY beyond anyone's imagination while making it so simple". If I worked for GE, this is what I'd say...indefinitely....hence their slogan 'imagination at work'.

But what makes this so simple and yet so huge? Well, it's simple. GE a few years ago came up with this technology that revolutionized how we wash dishes. They added a reservoir inside the dishwasher and made it so the user can simply dump their entire bottle of dishwashing liquid into it. "Why would you want to do that?", you say? Easy. You never need to fill it again.....or at least until that batch dries up! It automatically dispenses the right amount of detergent for whatever wash cycle you choose. Simple right? (I should have entitled the blog "Simple"...and left it at that)

So now we have this technology that makes it easier for us, the consumer, to wash dishes and not have to worry about over or under-filling the soap. But let's not just keep it at dishwashers. What if people REALLY liked washing dishes by hand? Or maybe you don't have the space for a dishwasher, I don't know. Either way, the idea is there on the table and it's begging to be used for other things.

Enter the self dispensing washing machine. Why not, right? Personally I think this is THE best idea ever thought of and made into a reality. A press release from states this:

"With the GE Profile™ SmartDispense Frontload Laundry Pair, you can take a step out of the captain's seat and let the washer and dryer fly through your loads. Without having to guess how much detergent or fabric softener to use, or having to worry about selecting the right cycle for special fabrics, or having to closely monitor the dryer, you might actually consider laundry day a first-class experience"

They go on to say,

"...GE Profile's elegantly designed new washer and dryer are positioned on exclusive SmartDispense pedestals that hide a remarkable secret: the system stores and automatically dispenses detergent and fabric softener based on each load's size, soil level, water hardness and fabric or cycle type..."

But how does this technology work exactly? Well, instead of using the washer as a dispenser, GE has created a pedestal that doubles as the dispensing These dispensers hold up to a 6 months supply of detergent (on average...depending on load size, etc.) and holds up to 95 ounces of fabric softener. So now you have a washer that steams you clothes and automatically dispenses detergent and softener. Take that, whoever invented the wheel...

The pedestals are offered in Crimson Red or White, and the Washer and Dryer are available in those colors as well (washer in Crimson/White). 1 dispensing pedestal and 1 pedestal drawer will complete a washer and dryer package.

Take Care,

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Cash for Clunkers

So the Government has taken additional steps on extending the Cash for Clunkers deal even further by funding $2 billion extra dollars. The average customer is getting $4,500 taken off the price automatically when they turn in a clunker that meets the federal required guidelines. It has to be a "gas guzzler" that produces below a certain number in MPG's (miles per gallon). This is the Governments way of helping the environment by paying money to give up your "clunker" for a more fuel efficient vehicle. Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep customers are getting lucky with a matched rebate offering up to $9,000 off the sticker price. But why should cars get all the fun?

How many of you own a washing machine that is one spin cycle away from kicking the bucket? I mean seriously, when this thing gets going it makes the neighborhood think a tank is charging down the street. It ACTUALLY makes your clothes dirtier instead of cleaning them. It makes the rust spots on your Buick clunker look like it's part of the paint. It makes...|...Ok I get it, I could do this all day. IT'S A CLUNKER! Well why can't you get a break? The Government won't step in and give you any type of discount or savings. So who will?

Percy's will! That's right. Come to Percy's with your "clunker" and we'll give you $100 instantly* towards a beautiful, less noisy, less rusty, "clean your clothes better" energy efficient front load washer.** There are tons of rebates on these washers and an additional $100 credit is just another way to help you become more green!

*$100 instant savings after old washer returned. **Front load brands include GE, Whirlpool, Maytag & Frigidaire. Offer ends Saturday August 15th! Hurry in today! No prior sales eligible. See salesperson for full details.

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Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

Huh? What on earth does this mean? Let me make it easier to read;

L - ight
A - mplification
S - timulated
E - mission
R - adiation

You probably never knew that that was the acronym "LASER". I'll be honest, I never knew either. We'll learn together. "So why are you blogging about laser", you ask? Simple. I'm going to step into the vast expanse of space and pull down, for you, the skinny on what Mitsubishi is all about with their new LaserVue Technology. I'm going to boldly go where no man has gone before and make you a firm believer in, not those pen things that could potentially blind someone...I'm talking "Uber-HighDef"

Ok. I'll get to the point. LaserVue Technology is ultimately going to be THE best technology when it comes to High Def and color distribution. Instead of using phosphors or liquid crystal, LaserVue uses...well, lasers. But not in the way that when you turn the TV on you instantly go blind. It uses a laser engine to filter the colors through fiber optic cables straight to the imager allowing unprecedented light and color distribution. Mitsubishi makes the technology so compact, that it makes it possible to mount this TV to the wall. But how much better is the color on LaserVue over LCD and Plasma?

This image shows the color spectrum differentiating Laser, LCD, & Plasma. In some cases, color seems to fair better on LCD over Plasma, but as you can see, Laser blows the color spectrum through the rafters surpassing LCD and Plasma. You see, LCD and Plasma use filters to filter bright white light into red, blue, and green colors to produce the images where as Laser can actually produce the colors without using a filter. So your reds, blues, and greens are more vibrant and powerful giving you a better picture.

This image depicts the Color Gamut Comparison between the three technologies. The chart shows all visible colors and the triangles show you the limits that the technologies can handle. Colors that have since been unseen in the TV world will now be visible to the eye when watching it through the LaserVue TV. Deep purples, crimson reds, and neon greens are just some of the many colors that are more vibrant on this TV. As you can see, LaserVue makes up more than double of LCD's gamma and almost double of Plasma's gamma. But is it just about color?

Actually, LaserVue is the best when it comes to using the LEAST amount of electricity. As you can see here, LaserVue uses only 135 watts of power and a comparable Plasma uses up to 799 watts of power. Now we all know about energy efficiency, but this blows them all out of the water! So let's recap. Best color distribution, no filters so the color is pure instead of "created", best array of colors (almost 1.8 times more colors than the other technologies), and unsurpassed energy savings. All in all, this TV seems to have it all. The price on this TV is $6,999 and is ready to luminate it's vast expanse of colors into your living room. Check our financing often to see when Mitsubishi has any special financing offers. I hope this was helpful in making you drool and I'll alert you all when we have one of these TV's in our showroom. Maybe I'll show a comparison pic! Have a great weekend.

Take Care,


*Operating Power Consumption (in watts) is based upon manufacturer data as published in their respective websites or on the back of their TVs as of 09/19/2008. ** Avg Operating Annual Cost for LaserVue is calculated per the following formula found at the U.S. Dept. of Energy website as of 09/19/2008: Operating Power Consumption x Avg. Hours used per day (8) x 365 days/1,000 watts x Average Cost of Power ($.114 KW/HR). Hours used per day is based on 2007 findings by Nielsen Media Research which found U.S. households consume an average of 8 hours and 14 min per day. For purposes of this calculation, figure has been rounded off to 8 hours. Average Cost of power is based on information provided by Energy Information Administration website as of 09/19/2008.

Info courtesy of
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By Gosh Golly It's A Heat Wave!

Well, well, well...where have you been all my life? I was beginning to think the state of Massachusetts started to drift off into the northernmost regions of Canada for a minute there. We haven't seen this heat all summer and I'm glad it's back! My A/C has been running full force (it's Energy Star..don't worry) keeping the family cool since Saturday and let me tell you, walking outside after being in the air conditioned house is like a heavy slap in the face. A sledge hammer to the lungs, if you will. It is so oppressive that it makes you wish, for a sliver of a second, that there was snow on the ground and you could dive into a snow angel wearing your shorts and flip-flops. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes we all wish this.

I went to the zoo on Sunday with some close friends and I happened to check the weather on my phone and it was 10:00am, the temp was 75˚, and the dewpoint was 72˚. Not so much happening in the temperature department, but it was definitely sticky outside. We hit one exhibit that just so happened to be indoors and it was 15˚ cooler than outside. Needless to say we took a 20 minute pit stop. I can't imagine what it's like to work outside during July and August and I can't even begin to think how it would be if we were in Arizona or Texas. No thanks. I'll stick to my N'oreaster's.

If you are without an Air Conditioner this blistery summer, fear not. Percy's still has plenty of A/C's in stock and ready to take your living room to the next level of "cool". We want to help you stay cool this year so we have A/C's starting at $99. Don't have any windows and still living in your parents basement? (There's nothing wrong with that by the way, it's a GREAT money-saver...) No problem, we have portable air conditioners too. If you don't know what A/C is right for your home, check here at one of my past posts where I tell you about the different types of A/C's, BTU's, and what A/C is best for your room. We can deliver it or you can come pick it up and take it home tonight. Check out our A/C's here.

Stay Cool. Take Care,

Read More!

Pre-Mass Tax Hike Savings!

Wow. Say THAT 5 times fast. I can't even say it once. I cringe when I LOOK at it, not just because it's a tongue-twister, but because of those two words that are right next to eachother: "Tax" & "Hike".

Everyone hates the thought of taxes, paying taxes, filing for taxes, and raising taxes. Fortunately raising taxes doesn't come often, but it has crept up on us this year. As of August 1st, the sales tax for the state of Massachusetts will go from a reasonable 5% and join the likenesses of Illinois and Texas to a heightened 6.25%. It's not AS bad as 8 other states with taxes higher than 6.25% (California with the highest at 7.25%). But wishfully, we could be like Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon....they don't have Sales Tax!

Now, I've said before that I won't get involved in politics or anything like that, so I won't tell you my personal feelings towards this. I think I speak for the Constituents of Massachusetts when I say that nobody is going to like it though. But then again, who would? I don't think there is anyone outside of the State House that is saying "Yay!" The only thing WE at Percy's can do is offer you huge savings before the tax increase and continue to offer you low, low prices on TV's and Appliances everyday after the increase. That's what our philosophy is now and what our philosophy will continue to be.

Percy's has weathered many economic storms in the past as well as many other local businesses in the Worcester area. We've come through each storm with understanding towards the next storm, and the next one, and the next one. We get through these storms with great prices and great customer service. Our salespeople do whatever it takes to make you happy and we encourage you to come to us with your best quote and watch as we beat even the BEST one! That's our promise to you. Come on down to see the savings we're offering to you across the store. Get here before Friday to beat the tax!

Thanks for reading. Thanks for choosing Percy's.

Take Care,


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Stuff You MAY Not Know About Percy's...

You know, you may think that Percy's JUST sells Appliances, TV's and In-Home Audio. You also may think we do a great job delivering, installing, and servicing your appliances or electronics...but is this all we do?

From installing network cabling to working side by side with your cabinet maker, we have services that a lot of other retailers don't have. Our #1 goal is to ensure that you are taken care of in EVERY aspect of your project from start to finish. We have the knowledge and resources to help you accomplish your goals. Over the next few blogs, I'm going to inform you on a few things we do that you MAY not know about.

Today I'll talk to you a little about our Contractor Division.

Percy's Contractor Division is made up of 3 highly skilled individuals that work hand in hand with a lot of contractors, cabinet makers, and builders in the Greater Worcester and Greater Boston areas. Their main objective is to help support and supply these people with whatever they need to complete their project when it comes to appliances. Ranges, Refrigerators, Washer & Dryers and more, all get supplied by Percy's so that your next home or condo may already have these amenities professionally installed and ready to be used. They go over plans, blueprints, and specs to ensure that the correct appliances are supplied when it comes to style, price, and most importantly, the right fit. But big projects aren't all that they do. They also work closely with the designers and cabinet makers to make your remodel project run smoothly and efficiently.

Let me touch on the designers and cabinet makers for a minute...if I may. If you live in Shrewsbury...of you live in MAY not know of any designers or cabinet makers in your area. You may be thinking..."I have to go all the way to Worcester to find a cabinet maker?", or "Isn't there a source that I can depend on to supply me with a quality designer or cabinet maker?" The answers to these questions are "NO" and "YES".

We've set up a page on our website that is JUST centered around our customers who are thinking about or have already made the first steps in re-designing their kitchen and they don't know where to turn.

We've placed a map of Eastern Massachusetts with pins in it (much like the one shown above) locating all the designers and cabinet makers that we highly recommend to you. If you click the pin, you get the information as well as the website of the designer or cabinet maker making it easier for you to contact them or visit their showroom. It's just another way Percy's helps you achieve your goals easily and seamlessly. Give it a may just find the right fit and the right designer that meets your budget.

If you are thinking about or have already started working on remodeling your kitchen, stop by or call Percy's for advice or direction. If you don't know what to do or where to start, we'll help get you in the right direction. Ask for one of our many talented salespeople or ask for Mark Birtz (head of the contractor division) and see how we can help you. You'll be glad you did and your kitchen will thank you.

Take Care,

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It's A Mitsubishi Bonanza...(no, not the car)

I write to you today post the warmest weekend of the summer. That's to go without saying. The temp barely got out of 80 and the humidity was "mild" to say the least. Yeah, Mother Nature is prepping us for a winter worse than last year if we keep this up. Or...we could have the warmest winter due to the lack of warmth this summer. Maybe we should have the 96 degree weather promotion in December instead of July. Who knows? What I do know, is that Mitsubishi has some HOT promotion going on right now that MAY interest you.

If you have been glancing at LCD's and Plasma TV's for a while but still can't figure out what on earth to get, let me throw another variable in the mix: DLP Projection. Yes the ominous size of a DLP Projection TV is unmistakable in amongst flat panel TV's, yet packs quite a punch when it comes to clarity. Mitsubishi is really the only brand worth talking about anymore that still put effort into this type of TV and I think they do a good job overall. Just about all the other brands that used to manufacture this type of TV have since given up. These Mitsus are priced well below an LCD or Plasma when it comes to size, but not below when it comes to quality.

For example: One Mitsubishi 60" DLP is priced at $1,299. Compare an LG 60" Plasma priced at $2,299. Same size, different technology, both 1080p, $1,000 difference! You have to see them to tell the difference though. Plasmas do better with black levels when it comes to that category but both are equally sharp. I know in my eyes, I prefer the DLP over the plasma in a lot of aspects, but everyone is different.

As if Mitsubishi didn't already make them ridiculously affordable, now they are making your choice even easier. They are giving away a free Vudu player with every purchase, a $50 credit towards Vudu movie downloads, AND will allow you to have No Money Down, No Payments, and No Finance Charges until 2011!

I know you're all dying to know what a Vudu player is. Well, a Vudu player is a media player that is similar to a Netflix media player except that is uses a "per-download" purchasing system vs. a monthly subscription that Netflix uses. With Vudu you can access your flicker account, Picasa account or even your Youtube account. Not only that, but you can stream your favorite Pandora stations directly through Vudu as well. Vudu is the #1 provider for HD movies on demand right now. Over 2,000 HD titles are available for either rental or download on the 250 GB hard drive. There are a total of 16,000+ HD movies, Standard Definition Movies & TV shows to choose from and it's free if you purchase any Mitsubishi DLP TV from now until August 3rd. See your salesperson for details or call us at 800-922-8194. Shop our selection of Mitsubishi DLP TV's here.

Take Care,

Read More!

Dirty Grill = Dirty Food

It's summer....or spring...well who knows, all I know is it's not snowing. I've been sitting outside a lot more because it's warmer out, and there is one thing I can't get enough of and that's a grill warming up and getting ready to release the hidden cook in all of us. Yes the smell of propane or briquettes heating up to a peak temperature for cooking steak, burgers, and chicken filling the air makes me melt. I'll tell you what doesn't make me melt, and that's when the lid is open and you find that your grill is filthy and the smell is awful. Hopefully this will help you keep your grill clean so you can avoid the awful smell.

First things first. I can't stress it enough. PAM makes a grill spray that WORKS. One of the main reasons your grill smells funky is the residue collecting on your grill grates. To avoid a massive build up, use the PAM each time to keep your food from sticking to the grill. It also makes clean up easy and quick. According to PAM's website, its "Specially formulated for no-stick performance at higher temperatures, it makes cleanup a snap and all your grilled foods simply come out better." That's good enough for me!

Second. Clean your grill each time AFTER you use it and not BEFORE. If you clean up the grill grates when you are done cooking, your grates are already warmed up and ready to be scrubbed by the grill brush. Scrub the grates down and if you want to take it a step further, take a towel folded up wet with mild soap and wipe the grates down to keep them extra clean. This will keep your grates cleaner and help, along with PAM, keeping food from sticking to them.

Third. Show some love to the "PIT". Once and a while it's ok to take the grates off, hose them down, maybe scrub them with soap and allow them to dry. But more importantly, when the grate is off, clean the pit area. Wait for the grill to completely cool off, then take the briquettes out (if you have them in there) and use a degreaser cleaner that is ok to spray on stainless steel to clean it out. Pledge makes a great "Multi-Surface" cleaner that is safe to use on stainless steel. If you have a Wet Vac...I know it sound silly, but it works...use that to vacuum up all the dust and Replace the briquettes with new ones if necessary.

Fourth. Keep the drip tray clean. Most people I've talked to whom haven't grilled before were not even aware that there was one. Odd right? That's ok...not a requirement to be a good grill chef. However, no matter how your set up is (a drip pan, a coffee can, soup can, whatever...) you need to keep it clean at least every other time you use the grill. If not, you'll spill all over your patio or grass and it's not good if you don't want animals visiting your backyard cause they smell something good (good to them at least).

Lastly. Keep the outside in ship shape. You're bringing raw food out, then replacing it with cooked food, you're boiling stuff if you have a burner, you're cutting vegetables, etc. You show love to the grates, now show the same to the side shelves and burners. You'll need to find a cleaner that is a disinfectant and is safe for stainless steel. Use Citrushine to keep all non-cooking stainless surfaces clean, shiny, and looking like new. Grill covers are highly recommended too even if you have it under an overhang or umbrella. They keep your grill looking newer, longer.

If you're a rookie griller or even a grill aficionado, you need to try these steps to keeping your grill clean and cooking to it's maximum capability. Your grill will last a long time and will look great too. Trust me, people like me, will thank you for the pleasent smell, and may come next door and ask for a burger!

Take Care,


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It's A Riot...That's NOT A Riot!!

Ever been to a non-riot riot? Me neither. Ever been to a real riot? I know I haven't. Ever been to a REFRIGERATOR RIOT?....I HAVE!

Trust me, no fist-fighting, shoving, rock-throwing, or bat-swinging will be involved. That's why it's called a non-riot riot. Just good old-fashioned honest people helping you get the refrigerator you need (or secretly want) all while saving some money. Percy's is having their annual Refrigerator Riot starting tomorrow only at Percy's in Worcester. Come down to save money on all refrigerators and they're starting at only $399. Our ad that is in the Telegram & Gazette can be seen here. Or, if you want to see our selection see here. Give us a call toll free at 800-922-8194 or email

On another note,

Percy's also has a table set up in electronics with lots of electronics audio and video products on it selling up to 80% off. Come to Percy's and check it out.

Take Care,

-Brian Read More!

Where is the warm weather hiding....?

Ok. It's July 13th. This past weekend I adopted a Black Lab puppy. I'm still trying to get used to his habits and his daily bathroom schedule. So, this morning I got up at 5am (30 minutes earlier than usual), and when I got up, I brought him outside immediately and it was FREEZING out. The grass was wet and cold, and I could see my breath that early in the morning. C'mon.................IT'S JULY!!!!

I don't want to get into politics or any of that other banter on this blog, but I for one don't see where any of this "Global Warming" stuff is stemming from. Seriously. Where's the heat? Last year I purchased a new Air Conditioner here at Percy's and had it installed through the wall in my dining room and the last time I turned it on was probably August of last year. It's good for the environment to not have it on so much, which is good. However, this is ridiculous. If it's not heat we're experiencing, it's buckets and buckets of rain that are filling up our basements. My sump pump has been working more this year (including the ice storm...actually that was December...but anyways) than it has in the past 5 years. New England weather....gotta love it.

If there is one thing I would recommend to you that would have to be a new dehumidifier. I have 2 in my basement, one on each side, running whenever it rains or whenever it gets damp. If you have an older model or have one that you notice isn't working properly, you can either purchase an Energy Star model and save money annually, or you can drop off your old one and have us repair it. You can shop our Dehumidifiers here, and you can check out our service page here. Which-ever way you slice it, keeping your basement dry is the key this summer. Don't rule out the A/C this summer yet though...the warmth will come. It always does.

Take Care,

-Brian Read More!

Percy's Poll

This blog is out here for one purpose and one purpose only. And that's to get information to you, the consumer, that will save you money, help you save energy, and give you updates on products and services. I'm not here to talk to you about the latest fashions, or talk about which college is right for you, or tell you what fruit has the most fiber...I'm here to help you. I may veer off and tell you about my personal experiences, but my main focus it to help you.

Percy's has been in business for A LONG TIME. I'm here to tell you, in a rough economy, for Percy's to still thrive and make customers happy is an amazing feat. I think that the mere fact that we offer the BEST in customer service, the BEST deals, and the BEST salesteam is the reason why we've survived, and will continue to survive. We want to thank all of you for believing that we can deliver on our promise. For all of you who haven't shopped us, please give us a call or come down to 19 Glennie St. in Worcester and see why we're set apart from all the other big retail chains.

Ok. Enough mushy stuff. I want to know what you guys think. I've added some neat "Widgets" on the left side over here:


You'll notice that the top one has a poll for you, our readers, to participate in. I want to know what TV do you think delivers the best QUALITY (in your own opinion). The poll will stay up there for a while and I'll touch back on it to deliver the results. If you have any comments please leave me one. And if you'd like to follow us, click the link to the left that says "follow" or if you have a Twitter account you can follow us here. Talk to you soon,

Take care,

-Brian Read More!

Percy's Takes New Strides In Appliance Service

So you bought your appliance from "XYZ" appliance because you got a killer deal on it. You bring it home, have it installed, and 2 years later your appliance "hiccups"...what are you going to do? You rush to try to find the paperwork from the original sale and you find that "XYZ"....doesn't service the appliances they sell. What are you going to do? You decided maybe to get the extended warranty, or you thought it wasn't necessary. I'm here to tell you, it doesn't matter!

Call us here at Percy's and we'll fix it for you! We specialize in servicing 99.9% of all appliances. Whether you bought it from us or from "XYZ" or from Percy's, we're here to help you when you need it. In-Warranty, Out-of doesn't matter. We'll fix it. Appliance not working like it did the day you bought it? Call us up and we'll come take a look at it.

We also now offer a new Appliance Drop-Off Service to all customers with smaller appliance issues. If you have an Air Conditioner, Small Refrigerator, Dehumidifier, Microwave, or even a washing machine, call Percy's to set up the drop-off and have your appliance repaired here at our store. You are responsible for bringing it to Percy's and we will call you when it's done. Give it a try. It may just save you money!

If you don't want to call us and are near a computer, go to and fill out a Service Request Form and our specialists will contact you shortly after.

Call us today at 508-756-5810 or click here to fill out a Service Request Form. Percy's Service. We'll work hard to keep your appliances running. Read More!

2009 Will Be An "Icon" Year

The ball has dropped, I kissed my wife at the stroke of midnight, and my calendar is gone from my wall with a new one in it's place. That's right, 2008 is merely a memory now and is another chapter in the history of the world. Yes, 2009 IS expected to be a positive year indeed! I look forward to spending more quality time with you, the reader, this year on our blog.

I wanted to let you in on a little secret. If you don't already know Electrolux Icon and have yet to see the commercials with Kelly Ripa, then you NEED to take a look at what they have to offer. Not only are the appliances sleek and nice to look at, but they are also high grade professional style appliances, for less!

Percy's has 2 big kitchens set up with only the best from Electrolux Icon just waiting for you to come see. What makes it even sweeter, Electrolux Icon is offering back 10% when you buy select appliances in the form of a Visa Debit Card. What better than buying high quality appliances for less, and then getting back a debit card from Electrolux Icon for 10% of the purchase price? Let me tell ya, it don't get much better than this! See the ad details here. And as always, see one of our factory trained specialists for the full details on this promotion. Hurry! This offer ends 1/7/09!

Take Care,


Read More!